I. The Bible is the Word of God, without error, and the supreme authority in all areas of life.
II. The God of the Bible is the only true and living God. There are no others. God exists as a Trinity – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
III. All people are created in the image of God, and as a result are worthy of dignity and respect. At creation, the first man and woman were without sin, in perfect relationship with God. However, the first man and woman were separated from a right relationship with God by their disobedience (sin). All people are now born sinful, and no one is acceptable to God by themselves. Because all men and women are sinful, all deserve the penalty for sin, which is death.
IV. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is the Mediator between God and His people, making it possible for them to know God and to renew their relationship with Him.
V. Jesus Christ, although God, became a man and lived a life of perfect obedience. Through his death, Christ became our substitute receiving the punishment we deserved. As a result, our sins are forgiven and our relationship with God is restored.
VI. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, appeared to his disciples, and ascended into heaven. He lives and reigns over the world today as the King of Kings and shall return to judge all men at the end of the world. Through his resurrection, all believers have assurance of life in heaven after death.
VII. Through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit calls people to renewed relationship with their heavenly Father. He does this by enabling them to recognize their need for forgiveness because of their sinful ways, to be sorrowful, to repent and to trust in Christ as their Savior. Salvation is possible by God’s gift alone, and not by any effort on our part to please God, because we cannot please God apart from God.
VIII. Those who enter into a relationship with God become His children and are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit and receive as their inheritance eternal life in the Kingdom of God. As children of God, our primary purpose in this life is to glorify God in all parts of life by representing Him and His Trust to the rest of the world while enjoying the blessings of His creation.